DHIAsymp2024 || Research Papers Submission is now OPEN

Interested parties can submit research papers or oral presentations for peer review and evaluation. Poster presentation, videos or full article can be also submited.
It is also possible to submit proposals for the realization of workshops in the context of the symposium.
The attendance is open to the wider public and possible through our Youtube channel.
Symposium Organizers: TAMKEEN (EG); ESAI EN ROI (GR); Sign Language Dissemination Club (GR)
Subject Areas:
Special Education and: Good Practices for Social Inclusion & Inclusive Culture || Quality of Life || Sustainability || Culture || Sports || Moral Relativism ||

Main Topic: ETHICAL RELATIVISM: The Dialectical Relationship of the Ethical-Aesthetic in Special Education and Inclusive Education.
Research Papers and Oral Presentations Publication
The papers, which shall be submitted in their full form (article, announcement, poster, video), will be evaluated by the members of the scientific committee, in order to be decided if possible to be presented at the Symposium. The research abstracts and full articles will be included in our electronic proceedings (with ISSN), available in the conference website, as well as in a digital book with enriched information about the 10-days festival activities (with ISBN). The format of the text of the assignments should be as described in the instructions below. Those who send assignments are requested not to submit more than one assignment with their name first and no more than two in total.
Διαδικασία Υποβολής Εργασιών The Process of Oral presentations / Posters submition
The process of submitting abstracts or full articles will be done exclusively via the internet, by completing the electronic submission form that you will find on the website of the Conference Secretariat: https://dhias.org/dhiasymp
Abstracts that are not accompanied by properly completed electronic submission forms will not be accepted for evaluation. Detailed instructions for submitting abstracts are listed below.
Timely submission of summaries & DVDs is a condition for their acceptance.
Deadlines / Deadlines:
· Friday, July 5, 2024: Deadline for Submission of Abstracts
· Monday, July 29, 2024: Scientific Committee Results
· Monday, September 2, 2024: Full Article on Minutes (optional)
Timely submission of abstracts is absolutely necessary to facilitate their evaluation and classification. Up to 15 research papers can be hosted at the symposium.
The Presentation Process during the Symposium
The presentation of accepted papers should be sent as an electronic PowerPoint file to the Symposium Secretariat at a time to be communicated to the authors. The conference room will be equipped with a computer, data-projector and screen. The presentation of the announcements will have a total duration of five (15) minutes including the discussion time. Regarding the video presentations, their duration should not exceed six (6) minutes, while three (3) minutes will be available for discussion.
Awards of the Best Oral Presentations & Posters
The works that will be presented by people with Hard of Hearing/Deafness (oral presentation-video) will be awarded.
Oral Presentations
Each author is entitled to present only one paper, while he can participate as an author in several. The title of the paper must be written in Greek in lowercase letters. The names of the authors must be written in the nominative case, under the title of the paper, in lowercase letters and mentioning first the Adjective and then the Full Name. The following are the Departments/Universities/labs where the authors come from. The exact address (street, number and postal code) does not need to be mentioned. The name of the author who will present the paper should be underlined.
The content of the summaries should be attributed as follows:
a) Purpose of the work
b) Material & method
c) Results
d) Conclusions
Abstracts should not exceed 250 words in total, this sum does not include the title of the paper, as well as the names of authors and institutions. The submission of abstracts can only be done electronically, through the official website of the Symposium. Press here to submit your oral presentation or poster
Full Article
For those interested in submitting a full article for inclusion in the conference proceedings, the same submission deadline as for abstracts applies. The paper has a maximum of 3,000 words (6-8 pages). The file type must be MS Word. The submission of the formatted texts of the papers will be done via e-mail to the address research@esai.gr
Authors who intend to submit their work in video format should submit both an abstract and relevant audio-visual material via wetransfer and with the recipient email research@esai.gr. As a title, or content in the submitted material, the tag "DHIAsymp2024" should be mentioned. After sending the material, confirm receipt by calling +2314042342 or by sending a relevant clarifying message to research@esai.gr