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ΒΑΛΚΑΝΙΑ: Παρουσίαση του φορέα από Βάρνα, Β/Α Βουλγαρία

Regional Cluster “North – East” was established in 2012 as a public-private partnership. Members of The Cluster are municipalities, schools and vocational training centers, College of Tourism and Agriculture, University of Economics – Varna, Faculty of Agronomy – Varna Technical University, Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, NGOs and companies.

The permanent staff of the organization is 5 persons. Permanently available is a team of over 30 professionals from various fields who work on specific projects. Each expert and the permanent staff as well has years of experience both in its business and in the implementation of projects funded under different programmes. Representatives of the organization also participate in commissions at the Municipality of Varna and Varna District – the Committee on employment, the Committee on conditions of work, the Committee on regional development, Regional Education Inspectorate and more.

Main activities of The Cluster include international cooperation as well as implementation and management of international projects on various topics. Regional Cluster “North – East” also participates in the management of “Friends of Europe” Club, which is a NGO working with children and youth. The main activities of the Club are to offer after-school trainings in the fields of culture, art and European values.

Through the participation in the project Regional Cluster “North-East” will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices with the other partner countries and to adapt and apply these best practices in Bulgaria with a view to resolving the problem of social exclusion of minorities and other marginalized groups in the area. By including Regional Cluster “North-East” as a partner in the project will enable the developed good practices to be implemented in the North-Eastern region and subsequently in other regions of Bulgaria. As adapted for the country the practices can be implemented also in other countries of the Balkan Peninsula which will add European value to the project

Regional Cluster “North-East” put special focus of its work in working with minorities and especially the Roma community in Bulgaria with which we work very closely in cooperation with organisations from Bulgaria and Macedonia. Over the past six months we have submitted several projects as applicant or partner organisation related to Roma inclusion. Here are some of them:

– JUST/2014/RRAC/AG, Action Grants to Support Projects to Prevent and Combat Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia and other Forms of Intolerance, WORK IN TOLERANCE – AVOID DISCRIMINATION FOR ROMA POPULATION IN THE LABOUR MARKET; – EuropeAid, EuropeAid/136315/ID/ACT/MK, IPA- Human Resource Development 04 06 01   2014, Let’s work together!; – EuropeAid, EuropeAid/136-518/DD/ACT/MK 2015, Empowering Roma women – Better future for Roma people; – Europe Aid/136-625/ID/ACT/MK 2015,Happy childhood; – Europe for Citizens 2015, Community organizing – tool for Roma civic participation.


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